"Try the Spirits" of Halloween
- I John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God…”
Halloween is a major event in America centered around “spirits”. Believers in Christ must look past the candy and “try the spirits” involved in Halloween. (I know that might be hard for some, but you’ve got to look past the candy! 😋) Various conversations with churches, pastors, and believers through the years have revealed that there are believers who question “why” Halloween is wrong. Let’s notice just a few Bible reasons why modern Halloween is sinful and wrong.
- – Witches, wizards, magic, sorcery, etc… are a major part of Halloween (and so-called family-friendly industries like Disney). The holy God of Old Testament passages against witchcraft like Ex. 22:18 is still the unchanging God against witchcraft in New Testament passages like Gal. 5:20. Many “Christians” are “given to change” (Pro. 24:21) concerning Halloween and magic and witches, and as such desperately imagine God as also having changed with the times and now accepting of witches, wizards, magic, and sorcery. However, God declares in Malachi 3:6, “I change not.” Jesus is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” (Heb. 13:8) Witchcraft should still not be allowed into God’s flock nor celebrated and enjoyed by God’s sheep.
- – Death, zombies, graves, vampires, ghosts, and spirits are synonymous with Halloween; not so for a Christian. Christianity is about Life. Jesus is “the Life” (Jn. 11:25; 14:6). The spirits of Death and the Grave have no more victory nor sway for the believer (Hos. 13:14; I Cor. 15:55). Let us not entangle (II Tim. 2:4) and enslave ourselves to these former, terrible taskmasters (Rom. 6:12-17).
- – When you search for words that describe Halloween, you’ll find many, many words synonymous with fear. Hollywood makes a lot of money with scary movies around Halloween knowing this period is about fear. God has not given the believer “the spirit of fear” for a reason (I Tim. 1:8). We are to fear no one but God, and even then, we must remember I John 4:18. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” God repeatedly in His Word commands His children not to fear. A believer who willingly places himself in a position to enjoy being made afraid is a believer who enjoys disobeying God’s commands not to fear.
- – And no, the grace of liberty (as with all the other graces) is not an excuse to celebrate Satan’s main event. Grace, including liberty, is not an excuse to do whatever you want. Grace is God enabling you to do what He wants!) (Rom. 6:2, 15)
In conclusion, everywhere and everything you see around Halloween reveals its true “spirits”. Halloween is not really about kids, costumes, and candy. Satanists know this. Halloween is their big month. Salem, Massachusetts with its witches and headquarters of the Satanic Temple revels in Halloween. This is their biggest time of the year. Hollywood knows what movies people want during Halloween. The unsaved world already knows what Halloween is about, why don’t God’s children?