Standing Upon God's Words (Man's Words Vs. God's Words)

(This article shows both the importance of standing upon each and every Word of God and an example of standing, in this case against man’s hardheartedness to use and speak man’s words in place of God’s words.)

  • I Samuel 3:19 “And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.
  • Matthew 12:36 “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
  • 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Words are used flippantly. All around us are ads, promises, and laws worded the way we want to hear them, not the way they actually are. For example, at the time of this writing, Congress is working on a bill named “The Respect for Marriage Act” which does the opposite of what the title implies. To sinful man, words are used flippantly. However, all words, including idle words, are judged by God.

Christians should not use words flippantly. God commands and reveals about our words and His Word:

  • James 2:12 “So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.”
  • John 12:48 “He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.”

God’s “perfect law of liberty” (Jms. 1:25) is the Bible. The Bible is “my [Jesus’] words.” “The word that I [Jesus] have spoken” is God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures. All we have ever spoken or done will be judged by God’s Word; “the same shall judge him in the last day.” From Rev. 20:12, we learn that the lost will be “judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” Bible means “THE Book.” “THE Book”/ “the law of liberty”/”the word that I [Jesus] have spoken” will be “THE” book by which man’s “works” and “words” are judged (“hath one that judgeth him…the same shall judge him in the last day”). Similarly, from passages like I Cor. 3, we learn that believers’ works (I Cor. 3:13-15) and words (text) will likewise “be judged by the law of liberty” (Jms. 2:12).

Here’s the powerful truth I want you to not miss: If every word you speak is judged by God’s Word, why not only use God’s Words as much as possible? If man’s words and meaning change so flippantly, why not only use God’s permanently settled Word (Ps. 119:89) where not even one jot nor tittle change (Mt. 5:18)? If only God’s Word is promised to never return to Him void and to always accomplish what God wills (Is. 44:22), why use the inferior words of man? If God’s Words are “sweeter than honey” and “more to be desired… than gold” (Ps. 19:10; 119:103), why not speak God’s Word instead of man’s words? If God’s Words must “abide in you” in order that your prayers might be answered (Jn. 15:7), why would we let man’s words abide more in us and be quoted more by us than God’s Words? If God’s Words are “spirit” and “life” (Jn. 6:63; Pro. 6:23), why do we choose to speak man’s word instead of God’s Words? If man’s words pass away, but God’s Word never does (Mt. 24:35; Mk. 13:31; Lk. 21:33), why do we insist on putting more importance on man’s words instead of God’s Words? According to Mk. 8:38 and Lk. 9:26, the answer is most likely that we are “ashamed of me [Christ] and of my words.”

Now, after asking those questions, probably most of you will agree with the concept of abiding by God’s Word and quoting God’s Word and using God’s Word. However, really, truly take a “Selah” moment and realize how many words in our “religious” vocabulary are man’s words replacing God’s Word, and how zealously determined we are to use these words (man’s words) instead of God’s Word. Like the present-day Orthodox Jew, we hold man’s words (the Talmud) above God’s Words and will even attack any who dare suggest replacing man’s words back with God’s Word. Many more examples than these may be used, but let us consider the following:

1. “Missionary” – This is man’s word, not God’s Word. Before the Catholics originated the term, “missionary” wasn’t used until the 1500’s. As Protestants protested the Catholic church and came out of it, sadly they often continued to use words and traditions they received from Catholicism. Throughout God’s Word, however, we do not see the Catholic “missionary”, but rather, the gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11). Why no “missionary?” Because that is man’s word. Other words used in Scripture are “messenger(s)” (Mal. 3:1; Mt. 11:10; II Cor. 8:23; Phil. 2:25; etc…), and a couple of times “ambassador(s)” (Eph. 6:20; II Cor. 5:20). As seen in W. T. Whitley’s “Minutes of the General Assembly of General Baptists, 1909-1910, Volumes 1-2, we read how England’s Baptists referred to those preachers who labored in small churches or fields further away as “Messenger(s).” In “The English Baptists Of The Eighteenth Century” by Raymond Brown, we read, “There was certainly a fear that collecting money for local ministers might divert funds from the support of the denomination’s Messengers. By 1710, the churches were told that more Messengers were urgently needed to give pastoral help to ‘those in distressed churches that are ready to languish and perish’. Congregations ‘destitute of a fixed ministry’ were in a ‘very deplorable’ condition and, as it was a full-time basis, it was thought that the shared ministry provided by Messengers might be one way of meeting the need.” Praise the Lord, “there is no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9), I have noticed a few present-day Baptists using the word “Messenger” in the place of “missionary” perhaps not even knowing that their fore-fathers did likewise.

How many churches have labeled the Apostle Paul with the man-made word of “missionary” when that word isn’t even in the Bible and the very word “apostle” means “an ambassador of the Gospel” and is translated as “messenger(s)” in the KJV! (I have preached on this for two decades, but am often ignored. Man-made words, sadly, have more influence upon the average believer than God’s Word.)

Since “missionary” has always been a man-made word, it has also always been a man-defined word. And since man’s words and meaning flippantly change all the time so does the definition of “missionary” from preacher to preacher and from church to church and from region to region. The constant change is chaotic, and we know that God is not the Author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). We should use only God’s Word for those sent out from Christ’s church. Remember: your words are judged by God’s Word. To reject God’s Word for His “messengers” for your word of “missionary” is unbiblical.

2. Replacing “Evangelist” – “Evangelist” is God’s Word, and is defined as “preacher/proclaimer of the Gospel.” Why then have so many independent Baptists flippantly changed God’s Word to mean “church planter” or “missionary?” The word “evangel” does not mean “church” or “planter” or “missionary.” The word “evangel” means “Gospel/good news.” The word would have to be something completely different to have the meaning “church planter.” Even the biblical example of Philip the evangelist was an itinerant, not stationary, ministry (Acts 8). An evangelist like Philip may plant the seed of the Gospel in a virgin territory like Samaria, but after a few weeks, the newly saved souls are going to need a shepherd/Pastor. Hence the reason why Elder/Pastor Peter (I Pt. 5:1) and John came down to the work in Samaria and the Holy Spirit called Evangelist Philip away to another soul. The church’s flippant change of evangelist has caused eternal harm to the point where we now have fewer evangelists, fewer churches started, not more, and those churches that remain, or are started, are not revived. We need to return to God’s Word of evangelist as “a preacher of the Gospel.” The church has had many decades of replacing the evangelist, and we are further from national or worldwide revival than ever. Man’s words and creeds need to leave, and be replaced with God’s Living Word! Nations all over the world have experienced revivals and awakenings before, but we will not see this again until Christ’s church gets back to properly defining and using Christ’s gift of the evangelist. (Eph. 4:11-16 – All gifts, including evangelist, must be properly implemented in order for the body to be complete, healthy, and revived.)

3. “Dispensation” – You will not find “dispensations” (plural) in God’s Word.  Dispensations” (plural) is a man-made word. Instead, you will find the word “dispensation” (singular) 4 times (I Cor. 9:17; Eph. 1:10; Eph. 3:2; Col. 1:25) in God’s Word. God’s Word “dispensation” (singular) means “administration”. It is also translated 3 times in God’s Word as “stewardship”. We all understand the idea of a machine that dispenses cash, food, etc… or of a steward who disburses or dispenses that which has been entrusted to him. “Administration” is obviously a completely different meaning to the man-made, unScriptural doctrine of “Dispensations” referring to different salvations throughout time. Faith in Christ’s grace (Eph. 2:8-9) has always been God’s answer for eternal life, and God Who is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8) has only ever saved souls and only ever will save souls through faith in Christ’s grace. (Study Noah’s faith and grace – Gen. 6:8, Heb. 11:7; Abraham’s faith-Rom. 4:3, Gal. 3:6, Jms. 2:23; David’s faith-Rom. 4:6; as well as Eph. 2:8-9; Heb. 11; etc….) Much damage has been done by believers highjacking God’s pure Word “dispensation” (singular).

4. “Sodomite” – God’s Word for those who “change the natural use into that which is against nature:” and for those who “lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly” (Rom. 1:26-27) is “sodomite(s)” (I Kgs. 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, II Kgs. 23:7). Man’s word for this sin is “homosexuality” or the constantly and flippantly changed “LGBTQ+”. You probably realize that the letters “LGBTQ+” were started by sodomites, but were you aware that the word “homosexual” (as well as heterosexual, monosexual, and heterogenit) originated also from a sodomite? Karl-Maria Kertbeny, born as Karl-Maria Benkert, was a sodomite who wanted to normalize his sin. The terms he coined were eventually used by Kertbeny’s editor, Gustav Jager, in 1880. Shockingly, instead of Christians using God’s pure, unadulterated Word for the sin of sodomy, believers of Christ often choose to use the term of a “sodomite” himself. What a disgusting, and yet revealing practice of the present, backslidden church: to prefer sinners’ sin-cursed words over God’s perfect, clean Word. And to think, man’s word for this sin conjures up unrighteous thoughts of the sinful actions while God’s Word “sodomite” always properly brings the hearer’s attention back to the fiery judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember: each and every one of your words are judged. It is very easy to see how God will judge between a sodomite’s words for sin and God’s perfect Word for sin.

5. “Pride” – Pride is mentioned many times in God’s Word. The proud are also referred to often throughout Scripture. Every single time “pride” or “proud” is used it is a negative description. And yet, the average believer unflinchingly, habitually, and flippantly uses the words “pride” and “proud” in a positive light. We act like “pride” is a good thing. We are “proud” of our kids and grandkids. We are “proud to be an American.” We caution each other not to hurt someone’s “pride”. Consider how “Christians” proclaim the words “pride” and “proud” just as flippantly, positively, and boastfully as the sodomites (pride flag, pride parade, “We are proud.”, etc…)! Yikes! This flippant speech is not good, and this careless wording is not biblical. Consider that God will only revive the humble (II Chron. 7:14; Is. 57:15). God rejects the proud and only graces the humble (Jms. 4:6; I Pt. 5:5). Shame, contention, a fall, and destruction “cometh” and “goeth” where there is pride (Pro. 11:2, 13:10, 16:18).

Maybe after reading these Scriptures, you will try to defend yourself and your use of “pride” and “proud”. Remember, however, that whatever is in the heart comes out of your mouth (Mt. 12:34; Lk. 6:45). There is a reason why God has removed His hand from us and why we are not revived. You cannot fool God. He knows your heart. You positively use the words “pride” and “proud” because your heart believes it. Since humility is the first requirement of II Chron. 7:14 concerning revival, you must stop lying to yourself about pride and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God.

6. “Legalism”/”Legalists” – Another word not found in God’s Word, whose meaning changes frequently with each user. Please refer to “Leaven of the Pharisees” series on our website for more.

Please notice carefully I Tim. 6:3-5:

  • vs. 3 “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
  • vs. 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
  • vs. 5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.”

When believers do not “consent” to use “the words of our Lord Jesus Christ” rejecting “wholesome words” (sound, healthy, uncorrupt, etc…) “teaching otherwise” that words are no big deal (when even idle words are judged), they become “proud” (believing man’s words/ways better than God’s words/ways) producing a host of sins. Notice carefully the phrase “doting about questions and strifes of words.” Doting is a diseased appetite and hankering after. In other words, a believer who rejects “the words of our Lord Jesus Christ” which are “wholesome words” will disgustingly long for and accept man’s words like homosexual invented by a wicked sodomite and pride used by wicked sodomites instead of God’s pure, unadulterated words. What is the result? Many things in these verses, but notice again “strifes of words.” There is no strife when we are united around “the words of our Lord Jesus Christ”. There is constant division and strife with each other when we are at division and strife with God’s Word(s). When this happens, the godly must “fight the good fight of faith” (I Tim. 6:12) since “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) Without an accurate use of God’s Word, you do not have real faith/true faith. Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word (singular; each one is important) of God (Deut. 8:3; Lk. 4:4). Believers are dying today as we feast on man’s words, not God’s. Only a flippant, backslidden people would think all of this concerning God’s words and man’s words is unimportant and not worth standing/fighting for.

In conclusion, please consider the example of schooling and education. (The following example is not for pride, but to bring home the point.) I made all “A’s” throughout my entire education graduating “valedictorian” in high school, 4.0 for my Master’s, and 3.98 for my Doctorate. How did I accomplish this? Not because I have a high IQ, because I do not. I simply learned at an early age that each of my teachers were looking for either their answers and their words they taught me or the words in the curriculum (the Book) they gave me to study. When it came time for quizzes and tests, I literally wrote down and memorized word for word what they said or the book said. I always passed with flying colors. My goal for eternity is to do the same exact thing to please God and win the prize. I have memorized His Word (not man’s words) for years “that I might not sin against” Him (Ps. 119:11) and I am confident from the many verses and more we have quoted here that at the day of judgment, God will not be wanting to hear man’s words, but His Word for all of the answers of life.

Remember: Jesus Himself only spoke the words of God.

  • Jn. 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
  • Jn. 17:8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

Jesus, our perfect Example, shows us to choose God’s Words and speak God’s Words, not man’s words. You are not a true Christian/Christ follower if you do not follow Christ’s example which includes speaking God’s Words, not man’s. Jesus gave the words He received from God to us. Have you “received them?” Or do you reject them for your own words? God’s Word was given to Jesus. Jesus’ Word was given to us. You must give God’s Word/Jesus’ Word to others. Why are we giving man’s words to others? That is not Christian.