Keepers At Home
- Titus 2:5 “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
For the first 3 years of my illness, our family did not have money regularly coming in except for whatever God’s people chose to give. At one point, Amy came to me in understandable concern about our financial situation. She asked if there was anything she could do to help bring money into the home. My answer seems to surprise many people to this day. For the first 10 years of evangelism, my wife and I sang “a capella” before I would get up to preach. I had always desired that my pianist wife could learn how to accompany us while we sang. My answer to her desire to help was for her to learn that skill. In obedience to God’s command, I was unwilling to ever have her work outside the home. And now her willingness to help grants us another beautiful aspect to our ministry: our music!
Ever since “Rosie the Riveter” of WWII, many haven’t even thought twice about wives and mothers working outside the home. And yet, God’s Word still stands. As a matter of fact, it is the “older women” (Tit. 2:4) who are to teach the younger women to do this. And yet, many of the “older women” themselves are too busy working outside the home to teach this extremely important lesson.
For those interested in a “deeper” search at the word “at” in Titus 2:5, you will find that “at” is the perfect word for the setting of the phrase in God’s Word. The 60+ translators of the KJV, were correct in putting “at” instead of “in” or “of” or even “for” the home. Yes, most people don’t think the verse should read as “keepers at home”, but Jesus warned that most walk down the road to destruction. If you want a home that lasts the test of time, you must be willing to walk through the strait and narrow gate of God’s Word. (Mt. 7:13)
Frankly, many do not seem to realize how much work there really is in properly raising and training children or preparing yourself and your home for your husband. “Keepers at home” literally have a full-time job if they do it correctly and biblically. There are a lot of lessons to learn from the “older women” and from study of God’s Word, there is an eternal responsibility in raising children (you are putting all of life’s lessons in as short a period of time as you can before they leave home!), there is a crucial spiritual and physical state to be in for your husband when he gets home, there is a peace, tranquility, and testimony to be had for an organized home, etc…. Once Rosie the Riveter took hold of our country, things collapsed so quickly to the point where feminists don’t even realize they are receiving the very trouble they have fought so hard against! Please, please, dear wife and/or mother, do not lower yourself to the standard of the day, obey God and be “keepers at home.”