Myth #1 - "Where God's Word Is Silent"

  • I Thessalonians 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
  • 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.”

In order to follow in the path of the noble Bereans (“Are You ‘More Noble'” series), you must be willing to “prove all things” (I Thess. 5:21) by God’s Word to see whether those things are so (Acts 17:11). And, with patience, you can find all things in God’s Word, because, contrary to popular belief, God’s Word is never silent.

  • – If God expects you to “prove all things” then you must have “something” consistent with which to “prove all things.” That something is His Word.
  • – All things are in God’s eyes good or evil. There are no “gray areas”. This is why in I Thess. 5:21 God expects the believer to “hold fast that which is good” and “abstain from all appearance of evil.” All things are either good or evil and all things can be proven as either good or evil otherwise God’s commandments are grievous and too burdensome or even impossible to obey (I Jn. 5:3).
  • – Since “God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Eccl. 12:14), and since everything we say and “do…shall be judged by the law of liberty” (Jms. 2:12), then the morality of every work and word can indeed be found in God’s “law of liberty” (Jms. 1:25). Otherwise God would be an unjust Judge (which He isn’t – II Tim. 4:8) for expecting His creation to know things on which His Word is silent.
  • – God promises that His very “Spirit of truth” will teach “you all things” in Jn. 14:26 and “of all things” in I Jn. 2:27, and “guide you into all truth” in Jn. 16:13 which the next chapter, Jn. 17:17, reveals, “Thy Word is truth”. As a result, God promises believers in I Jn. 2:20, “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” The Spirit of truth uses God’s Word of truth (Jn. 17:17), the Spirit’s sword (Eph. 6:17), to teach us “all things” and “of all things” which therefore requires God’s Word to never be silent on “all things.”
  • – God not only promises that all of His Word is inspired by Him, and that all of it is profitable, but that all of it makes “the man of God… (i.e. believers) perfect…unto all good works.” (II Tim. 3:16-17) Everything is there in God’s Word. Every answer can be found in God’s Word. If God’s Word did not cover media, clothing, current affairs or political issues, etc…, the Christian could never be complete and perfect. Although believers may not have yet learned everything there is to know in God’s Word, you can believe God that everything is indeed in there.

Now, dear reader, you have a choice once again to be the Thessalonians and reject this evangelist’s reasonings out of God’s Word (Acts 17:2) like they did Paul or you can be of a ready mind towards God’s Word like the noble Bereans and search the Scriptures to see whether these Biblical reasonings are indeed Biblical. I warn you, though, of self-fulfilling prophecies. If we seek God, we find Him. (Pro. 8:17, Jer. 29:12, Mt. 7:7, Lk. 11:9) If we don’t, we don’t find Him. (Pro. 1:28, Jn. 7:34, 8:21) If you don’t believe God’s Word has answers to all of life’s questions, then you won’t find them. But if you do believe, you will truly find God has all the answers in His Word.

(This article is from the “Are You ‘More Noble’?” series.)