Medical and Health Advice, Associations, and Physicians
AAPS – Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Action4Canada (Canada)
Alliance for Natural Health International
Americans for Homeopathy Choice
America’s Frontline Doctors (Here is the link where you can fill out their new patient form.)
America’s Pharmacy Source (has an online club, My Free Pharmacy)
BonSens (France)
British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD; Great Britain)
Canadian Covid Care Alliance (Canada)
Clear Health (You can access a doctor at this link. These services are provided by ClearCellular.)
CMS Open Payments (This is a US government run program. In 2014, the Physician Payments Sunshine Act was passed. The legislation’s intention and this website’s purpose is to reveal how much money doctors and other healthcare workers receive from pharmaceutical companies to enable people to use this information to reduce corruption. If you want to look up your local doctor and see who has been paying him or her, aside from their patients, you can type in their name, state, etc… to find out.)
Collectif (France)
Concerned Doctors and Citizens of the Philippines (Philippines) (You can subscribe to their newsletter on the right side of their Home page.)
Covid19 Assembly (Great Britain)
Covid Call to Humanity (Philippines)
Covid Medical Network (Australia)
Covid Truths (Run by a Christian doctor in the UK)
Docs 4 Open Debate (Belgium and Netherlands)
Faith Works (Michigan)
Freedom Healthcare (telehealth)
Freedom Health Systems (Missouri)
Freedom Med (telehealth)
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
Frontline Mds with Dr. Stella Immanuel (Here is a link to their Telehealth services.)
GlobalTekMD (telemedicine, telehealth, and tele doctors)
Goldcare Health and Wellness (backed by the freedom-loving America’s Frontline Doctors)
Grace Haven Counseling (Christian mental health therapy without “wokeness” based out of Michigan)
Grassroots Health Nutrient Research Institute (focuses on education about Vitamin D)
GreenMedInfo (Search 10,000+ health topics)
How Bad Is My Batch (This site matches up vaccine batch codes with information from the VAERS system. Using this site, you are able to match your vaccine batch codes to determine adverse drug reactions, death, disability, and life threatening illnesses from the VAERS system.)
Inserm (French National Institute of Health)
JASE Medical (emergency antibiotic medication kits)
Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company (New, reliable, company backed by Mark Cuban that drastically lowers the costs on prescription medications and even has a transparent list of prices for their medicines!)
Medicos pela Vida Covid-19 (You can search for a doctor in your area of Brazil.)
Mountain Healthcare (virtual visits, clinic visits or house calls in Andrews, NC)
My Free Doctor (“MyFreeDoctor is a nondenominational Faith Based Organization whose mission is to deliver Free Doctor visits to those in need consistent with Christian values.”)
National Vaccine Information Center
North Port Acupuncture (also acupressure; located in North Port, FL)
Olive Grove Medical (southwest Missouri)
Physicians For Informed Consent
PROMIC – Professions for Medical Informed Consent and Non-Discrimination
Reinfo Covid (France)
Reinfo Covid (Quebec, Canada)
Reinfo Liberte (France)
Senior Benefits Advisor (Medicare specialist licensed in FL, PA, CO, and NV)
S.M.A.R.T. Biblical Natural Health Coaching (women’s health)
Stand For Health Freedom (They have also launched Health Freedom Institute that gives trustworthy updates and information on current medical issues.)
Syndicat Liberte Sante (France)
Transformative Health Justice (Africa)
Truth for Health Foundation (If you have a vaccine injury report, you can report it here for English, here for Spanish, or here for Simplified Chinese.)
Vaxxter (“Scientific articles exposing vaccine myths and pharma foibles.”)