Directories of Companies with Christian/Conservative Values
2ndVote (Excellent resource; Here is a link to their “Company Scores” page.)
1792 Exchange (“1792 Exchange has assessed 1,000+ companies’ policies, practices, and other relevant criteria to determine the likelihood a company will cancel a contract or client, or boycott, divest, or deny services based on views or beliefs.”)
Conservative Businesses (author unknown; People may differ on where those listed stand, but this list may be a good starting point.)
PublicSq. (Connecting Conservatives with like-minded businesses, a social community, and info concerning your local community’s events, politics, school board, etc…. Here is a link to the Apple Store app and to the Google Play Store app.)
WEF Supporting Companies (This links to the socialist World Economic Forum’s page that lists the different bad companies that support, endorse, and push WEF’s communistic environmental, social governance (ESG) goal for a One World Order. Avoid these companies that WEF positively lists.)
Woke Alerts (You can sign up to receive alerts for when a company caves to liberal views and practices. Woke Alerts is started by Consumer Research.)