Church Ethics
No More Cover-Ups (started by Pastor Stacey Shiflett who also is the senior administrator of online SureWord Baptist College and has the publishing ministry SureWord Publications; “The purpose of this website is to allow individuals, churches, ministries and organizations to publicly state their position on the subject of sexual abuse. It is our prayer that by working together, we can bring about a positive improvement in the way this subject is handled and in turn, restore our credibility as Christians.
We invite you to read OUR PROMISE to the Lord, to the world and to each other. If you agree with our promise, we ask that you be willing to publicly affirm your agreement by digitally signing your name and the name of your ministry, church or organization. Our goal is to increase accountability, transparency and to provide an additional assurance to your congregation, prospective members, friends, associates and clients that sexual abuse is important to you and will be handled with integrity, compassion and in accordance to biblical guidelines.
Your information will not be used or sold in any way. The purpose of signing this promise is to allow others to know where you stand on this issue by conducting a simple search on this website search capability.
This website is owned and operated by Pastor Stacey and his wife, Grace Shiflett. Pastor Shiflett is a survivor of sexual assault and has led his church through a scandal of sexual abuse that drew national attention. His love for victims and survivors has been evident by his willingness to stand with them publicly and fight for their abusers to be brought to justice. His personal story of abuse and cover-ups can be found HERE.”)